Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Lorenz Chaos Attractor

This project was inspired by one of Daniel Shiffman's 10 minute coding challenge YouTube videos, The Lorenz Attractor in Processing.

        dX = ((A * y)  -  (A * x)) * time;
        dY = ((B * x) -y -(x * z)) * time;
        dZ = ((x * y)  -  (c * z)) * time;

So it turns out this it not too terribly exciting. While its true that adjusting the starting values by a small amount change the behavior, if you go much outside the values its currently set for, you will end up with a pattern that quickly degenerates to a single, boring point. Personally, I was hoping for a more chaotic system. You might notice I am not using the 3rd point. I have yet to find a 3D drawing library that I like, though I need one for visualizing other projects. Anyways, since this was an experiment, I did the pragmatic thing and just made it 2D since I already knew how to do that.

Here is the result:

GitHub project

It wanted to draw the pattern very small, so I had to scale up the image by multiplying each number by some scale number.

One possibly useful idea is to use the cosine of the tangent of each number. This has the effect of canceling out the spiral and spreading the numbers out over a field. If you use just the tangent, you get a gradient from the top left corner. Perhaps you could use this as a pseudo-random noise source.

public static void TanCos(Lorenz system)
        system.x = 16 * (decimal)Math.Tan(Math.Cos((double)system.x));
        system.y = 16 * (decimal)Math.Tan(Math.Cos((double)system.y));

public static void Tan(Lorenz system)
        system.x = 6 * (decimal)Math.Tan((double)system.x);
        system.y = 6 * (decimal)Math.Tan((double)system.y);

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