Tuesday, July 5, 2016

True hardware random number generator with the Raspberry PI

So, I have been getting into cryptology lately, (For my most recent projects that I may or may not have blogged about at this point, see Bloom Filter and RC4Ever on GitHub).

The other day, I had a need for a TRUE random number generator, so I was searching the web for a hardware random number generator, when I found some very pleasant information: I already own one!

As it turns out, the Raspberry Pi (A/A+/B/B+/and 2) includes a hardware based random number generator, and according to many sources, its a very good source of truly random bytes. Yay!

To get this working on your own Pi, its a breeze:
1) Install the RasPi's random number generator tools: sudo apt-get install rng-tools.
2) Add to the boot process file (/etc/modules.conf) the command to run the hwrng module: bcm2708-rng.
3) Reboot the Pi.

Now, /dev/hwrng is available for reading. Its treated like a device, and you can use the dd command to copy bytes from the device stream to a file (like examples you might have seen doing the same from /dev/random).

NOTE: /dev/hwrng is accessible by the user root only.

But we can change that! The following command gives the user level read access: sudo chmod a+r /dev/hwrng

NOTE: This setting gets reset upon every reboot.

Again, we can change that: Add the following line to /etc/rc.local file, just above the exit 0 line:
chmod a+r /dev/hwrng

And its just that easy!

Now, say if you want to generate 1 megabyte worth of random bytes to a file in /tmp, simply enter the following command into a terminal:
dd if=/dev/hwrng of=hwrng-test-data.bin bs=1024 count=1024

The bs argument specifies the size to buffer before writing to disk. You probably want to leave that at or around 1024. Its the count argument that specifies the size, or amount, of data you want to copy from /dev/hwrng, in Kilobytes. So 1024 == 1 MB, where as 1 == 1KB.

Now, its time for Step 4) Create a C# helper library to simplify the retrieval of random bytes from /dev/hwrng.

So there is two ways to approach this. One is to make a C++ library that makes native calls and then write a .NET interop library to wrap that Or, if you are like me, a little lazy, and find that ever since transitioning to C# you find it difficult to write anything in C or C++ that compiles, you may opt to just issue the above commands to the shell and just read in the resulting file from the tmp directory.

As hackey as this second option might seem, it works remarkably well and I have written a GitHub project doing just that. It consists of a library to return random bytes, and a console executable exercising said library to get random bytes. Links below!

- The PiRngWrapper GitHub Project
- The PiRngWrapperLibrary.cs wrapper code file

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