Thursday, December 24, 2015

Infix Notation Parser via Shunting-Yard Algorithm

Infix notation is the typical notation for writing equations in algebra.
An example would be: 7 - (2 * 5)

Parsing such an equation is not a trivial task, but I wanted one for my EquationFinder project, as I wanted to respect order of operations.

Strategies include substitution/replacement algorithms, recursion to parse into a tree and then tree traversal, or converting the infix notation to reverse polish notation (RPN), also known as post-fix notation, then using a stack based postfix notation evaluator. I choose the latter, as such algorithms are well defined in many places on the web.

My code consists of 3 classes, all static:
(Links go to the .cs file on GitHub)
  1. InfixNotation - this simply holds a few public variables and calls the public methods on the below two classes.
  2. ShuntingYardAlgorithm - this converts an equation in infix notation into postfix notation (aka RPN).
  3. PostfixNotation - this evaluates the equation in postfix notation and returns a numerical result value.

In order to implement the shunting-yard algorithm and the postfix evaluator, I simply wrote the steps to the algorithms as written on Wikipedia:
(Links go to the Wikipedia article)
Link to the Shunting-Yard Algorithm to convert Infix notation to Postfix notation.
Link to the Postfix Notation Evaluation Algorithm.

The code for this is pretty extensive, but I will prettify it and present it below. Alternatively, you can view and download the code from the MathNotationConverter project on my GitHub.


public static class InfixNotation
   public static string Numbers = "0123456789";
   public static string Operators = "+-*/^";

   public static bool IsNumeric(string text)
      return string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text) ? false : text.All(c => Numbers.Contains(c));

  public static int Evaluate(string infixNotationString)
    string postFixNotationString = ShuntingYardConverter.Convert(infixNotationString);
    int result = PostfixNotation.Evaluate(postFixNotationString);
    return result;


(converts an equation from infix notation into postfix notation):

public static class ShuntingYardAlgorithm
   private static string AllowedCharacters = InfixNotation.Numbers + InfixNotation.Operators + "()";

   private enum Associativity
      Left, Right
   private static Dictionary<char, int> PrecedenceDictionary = new Dictionary<char, int>()
      {'(', 0}, {')', 0},
      {'+', 1}, {'-', 1},
      {'*', 2}, {'/', 2},
      {'^', 3}
   private static Dictionary<char, Associativity> AssociativityDictionary = new Dictionary<char, Associativity>()
      {'+', Associativity.Left},
      {'-', Associativity.Left},
      {'*', Associativity.Left},
      {'/', Associativity.Left},
      {'^', Associativity.Right}

   private static void AddToOutput(List<char> output, params char[] chars)
      if (chars != null && chars.Length > 0)
         foreach (char c in chars)
         output.Add(' ');
   public static string Convert(string infixNotationString)
      if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(infixNotationString))
         throw new ArgumentException("Argument infixNotationString must not be null, empty or whitespace.", "infixNotationString");

      List<char> output = new List<char>();
      Stack<char> operatorStack = new Stack<char>();
      string sanitizedString = new string(infixNotationString.Where(c => AllowedCharacters.Contains(c)).ToArray());

      string number = string.Empty;
      List<string> enumerableInfixTokens = new List<string>();
      foreach (char c in sanitizedString)
         if (InfixNotation.Operators.Contains(c) || "()".Contains(c))
            if (number.Length > 0)
               number = string.Empty;
         else if (InfixNotation.Numbers.Contains(c))
            number += c.ToString();
            throw new Exception(string.Format("Unexpected character '{0}'.", c));

      if (number.Length > 0)
         number = string.Empty;

      foreach (string token in enumerableInfixTokens)
         if (InfixNotation.IsNumeric(token))
            AddToOutput(output, token.ToArray());
         else if (token.Length == 1)
            char c = token[0];

            if (InfixNotation.Numbers.Contains(c)) // Numbers (operands)
               AddToOutput(output, c);
            else if (InfixNotation.Operators.Contains(c)) // Operators
               if (operatorStack.Count > 0)
                  char o = operatorStack.Peek();
                  if ((AssociativityDictionary[c] == Associativity.Left &&
                     PrecedenceDictionary[c] <= PrecedenceDictionary[o])
                     (AssociativityDictionary[c] == Associativity.Right &&
                     PrecedenceDictionary[c] < PrecedenceDictionary[o]))
                     AddToOutput(output, operatorStack.Pop());
            else if (c == '(') // open brace
            else if (c == ')') // close brace
               bool leftParenthesisFound = false;
               while (operatorStack.Count > 0 )
                  char o = operatorStack.Peek();
                  if (o != '(')
                     AddToOutput(output, operatorStack.Pop());
                     leftParenthesisFound = true;

               if (!leftParenthesisFound)
                  throw new FormatException("The algebraic string contains mismatched parentheses (missing a left parenthesis).");
            else // wtf?
               throw new Exception(string.Format("Unrecognized character '{0}'.", c));
            throw new Exception(string.Format("String '{0}' is not numeric and has a length greater than 1.", token));
      } // end foreach

      while (operatorStack.Count > 0)
         char o = operatorStack.Pop();
         if (o == '(')
            throw new FormatException("The algebraic string contains mismatched parentheses (extra left parenthesis).");
         else if (o == ')')
            throw new FormatException("The algebraic string contains mismatched parentheses (extra right parenthesis).");
            AddToOutput(output, o);

      return new string(output.ToArray());


(evaluates the postfix notation and returns a numerical result):

public static class PostfixNotation
   private static string AllowedCharacters = InfixNotation.Numbers + InfixNotation.Operators + " ";

   public static int Evaluate(string postfixNotationString)
      if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(postfixNotationString))
         throw new ArgumentException("Argument postfixNotationString must not be null, empty or whitespace.", "postfixNotationString");

      Stack<string> stack = new Stack<string>();
      string sanitizedString = new string(postfixNotationString.Where(c => AllowedCharacters.Contains(c)).ToArray());
      List<string> enumerablePostfixTokens = sanitizedString.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList();

      foreach (string token in enumerablePostfixTokens)
         if (token.Length > 0)
            if (token.Length > 1)
               if (InfixNotation.IsNumeric(token))
                  throw new Exception("Operators and operands must be separated by a space.");
               char tokenChar = token[0];

               if (InfixNotation.Numbers.Contains(tokenChar))
               else if (InfixNotation.Operators.Contains(tokenChar))
                  if (stack.Count < 2)
                     throw new FormatException("The algebraic string has not sufficient values in the expression for the number of operators.");

                  string r = stack.Pop();
                  string l = stack.Pop();

                  int rhs = int.MinValue;
                  int lhs = int.MinValue;

                  bool parseSuccess = int.TryParse(r, out rhs);
                  parseSuccess &= int.TryParse(l, out lhs);
                  parseSuccess &= (rhs != int.MinValue && lhs != int.MinValue);

                  if (!parseSuccess)
                     throw new Exception("Unable to parse valueStack characters to Int32.");

                  int value = int.MinValue;
                  if (tokenChar == '+')
                     value = lhs + rhs;
                  else if (tokenChar == '-')
                     value = lhs - rhs;
                  else if (tokenChar == '*')
                     value = lhs * rhs;
                  else if (tokenChar == '/')
                     value = lhs / rhs;
                  else if (tokenChar == '^')
                     value = (int)Math.Pow(lhs, rhs);

                  if (value != int.MinValue)
                     throw new Exception("Value never got set.");
                  throw new Exception(string.Format("Unrecognized character '{0}'.", tokenChar));
            throw new Exception("Token length is less than one.");

      if (stack.Count == 1)
         int result = 0;
         if (!int.TryParse(stack.Pop(), out result))
            throw new Exception("Last value on stack could not be parsed into an integer.");
            return result;
         throw new Exception("The input has too many values for the number of operators.");

   } // method
} // class

Another alternative technique is to using the Shunting-Yard Algorithm to turn infix notation into an abstract syntax tree (Linq.Expressions anyone?). I will likely post this technique later.

Other blog posts by me that are related to this article are the Threaded Equation Finder, a Mixed Radix System Calulator and Drawing Text Along a Bezier Spline.

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